
Home News  Ten year’s anniversary of Meizhou Union Chemical Co., Ltd.

Ten year’s anniversary of Meizhou Union Chemical Co., Ltd.

February 17, 2011 is ten years anniversary for the company, during the celebration activities, company leaders review the hard poineering course, giave thanks for the company's staff who support the development of the company's all the way, and look forward to the bright future of the company.
In the celebration meeting, company leaders especially commend the employees who work for the company over five years, award them honorary certificate, bonuses and souvenirs.
The next day, all staff in the company travel to Xiamen. Through this collective activity the emotion and communication among emoloyess is deepened, and company’s cohesion and centripetal force is enhanced

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2009 Meizhou Union Chemical Co.,Ltd.     粵ICP備11063888號(hào)    Support:Newthink
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